Sample Webstart Click Through Log
As of this time (12/96) the click through rate for banner ads typically runs between 1 and 3%. That is, out of 100 impressions delivered to viewers, generally between one and three will click through. This log came from some 20-30k impressions. This is pretty typical for the fledgling Web advertising industry. We resist selling advertising on a click through basis because the click through rate depends substantially on the attractiveness of the banner (or gif or whatever) and on the product or service offered. We have some sponsors who regularly get 3%+ click through rates. Others are generally down around 1%. Whether any particular click through rate is effective depends on your business. Largely on how much you expect to be able to make per click through (taking into consideration "word of Web" - that is additional visitors that result from someone visiting your site and linking to it or otherwise communicating it to others).
If you are new to Web advertising (and we are all fairly new), give it a try. Some find it very valuable and some don't find it worthwhile. That is why we have the free trials. You may not get enough business from 20-60 visitors to get a good reading on how it will directly effect your business, but you can at least see the kind of visitors you are getting (which we can manage for you to some extent - e.g. limiting to international or domestic, to academic, or to and set of domains). If after a free trial you think it might be helpful for your business, invest $100-$300 and see if 100-900 additional visitors makes a difference for your business. By then you should be able to get an idea if Web advertising makes sense for your business.
Here is the sample click through log:
Webstart Communications click log report for sponsor burkebook: 1. On Sun Nov 17 at 22:39:25 IP address clicked through from Webstart page: to 2. On Sun Nov 17 at 23:12:51 IP address clicked through from Webstart page: to 3. On Mon Nov 18 at 1:11:08 IP address clicked through from Webstart page: &hdr=calif.hdr?isindex=,+Hollywood%5C.&case=yes to ... 675. On Sun Dec 1 at 10:17:21 IP address clicked through from Webstart page: to 676. On Sun Dec 1 at 12:07:27 IP address clicked through from Webstart page: to 677. On Sun Dec 1 at 14:56:14 IP address clicked through from Webstart page: to 677 total click throughs for burkebook. End of click log.Thank You for your interest in advertising with Webstart Communications!
Please send any further correspondence about advertising to [email protected].
Webstart Communications
2835 Benvenue Avenue
Berkeley, California
(510) 548-4590